
Simply a string representation of the Python object. This Serializer can mainly be used for CLI debugging.

For example, given the following napalm-logs document (as JSON):

  "yang_message": {
        "bgp": {
          "neighbors": {
                "neighbor": {
                  "": {
                        "state": {
                          "session_state": "CONNECT"
  "message_details": {
        "processId": null,
        "severity": 4,
        "facility": 0,
        "hostPrefix": null,
        "pri": "4",
        "processName": "kernel",
        "host": "vmx01",
        "tag": "tcp_auth_ok",
        "time": "21:23:00",
        "date": "Jul 20",
        "message": "Packet from wrong MD5 digest"
  "timestamp": 1500585780,
  "facility": 0,
  "ip": "",
  "host": "vmx01",
  "yang_model": "openconfig-bgp",
  "error": "BGP_MD5_INCORRECT",
  "os": "junos",
  "severity": 4

The document will be serialized as:

{u'yang_message': {u'bgp': {u'neighbors': {u'neighbor': {u'': {u'state': {u'session_state': u'CONNECT'}}}}}}, u'message_details': {u'processId': None, u'severity': 4, u'facility': 0, u'hostPrefix': None, u'pri': u'4', u'processName': u'kernel', u'host': u'vmx01', u'tag': u'tcp_auth_ok', u'time': u'21:23:00', u'date': u'Jul 20', u'message': u'Packet from wrong MD5 digest'}, u'facility': 0, u'ip': u'', u'error': u'BGP_MD5_INCORRECT', u'host': u'vmx01', u'yang_model': u'openconfig-bgp', u'timestamp': 1500585780, u'os': u'junos', u'severity': 4}