
Besides speed, there were a couple of considerations we had in mind when we designed napalm-logs:

  • Size
  • Security
  • Flexibility
  • Reliability

The core achitecture can be represented in the diagram below; for simplicity, we will analyse the security in the Authenticator paragraph:

napalm-logs architecture

The napalm-logs prgram starts a couple of processes to handle and manipulate the syslog messages. We called them:

The processes communicate between them using ZeroMQ IPC.


The Listener has the role to receive the syslog snippets and queue them (PUSH) into an IPC socket to the Server. This has two advantages: we ensure we queue the messages immediately as received - no time wasted triaging (this is very important when the messages are received over UDP, for example – see the UDP listener). The other gain by doing so is that we don’t loose any messages: not even when the napalm-logs process crashes or is intentionally stopped: after restart, the Server will continue dequeuing messages from that buffer.

The Listener is a pluggable interface, check Listener for more details.

The communication between the Listener and the Server is a straight PUSH-PULL socket.


The Server is the process that deals with the triage: using the Device Profiles, it identifies the platform it comes from. Using this information, the messages will be queued to the corresponding worker (see next section). The pattern in this case is a Ventiallator Sink, more specifically implemented using ROUTER and DEALER sockets, where the Server is the ROUTER, and each Platform Worker is a DEALER.

The messages at this point are partially parsed, and they can be published using one of the available Publisher, through the Logger interface. When unable to identify the platform, the message is by default discarded. However, the user can activate the messages to be published using the send_unknown: False option, the format being UNKNOWN. Note that the Logger interface has a similar option, send_unknown.


There is one device worker started per platform. Each worker receives the partially processed messages from the Server, then extracts the data and maps it to the OpenConfig or IETF YANG model, as configured in the Device Profiles. When a message does not have a corresponding profile mapping, it is discarded. To receive these messages, the user can choose to publish them using the send_raw: False option.

The messages are then sent to the Publisher IPC socket using PUSH.

You can avoid unwanted workers using the device_blacklist and device_whitelist options.


The Publisher process retrieves the messages from the IPC socket using PULL operations, then forwards them over the Publisher interfaces. When the messages encryption is not turned off (see disable-security), the Publisher also has the role of encrypting and signing before publishing. Regardless of the security being disabled or not, the messages are binary serialised using MessagePack.

The Publisher is another pluggable interface, check Publisher for more further information.


By default, napalm-logs starts an additional process, the Authenticator. When security is explicitly disabled using the disable-security option, this process is not started.

napalm-logs architecture with the authenticator process

The Authenticator generates a private and a signature key, which are used by the Publisher to encrypt and sign the binary serialised messages.

The clients receive these keys through an exchange via a TCP socket; this socket is SSL secured using the certificate and the keyfile provided by the user. Each client connection is handled in a separate thread, and the Authenticator keeps this connection alive for further notifications.

Read more about the Client Authentication.