Release 0.6.0 - Codename Fretsaw

Prometheus Metrics

John Anderson (@lampwins) added support for Prometheus metrics. While this feature is optional, napalm-logs has an additional requirements starting with this release: the prometheus_client Python library for Prometheus instrumentation, which is used to expose the metrics via an HTTP server. The implementation is fully compliant with Prometheus scraping, so you need only point your Prometheus server to the exposed metrics to scrape them.

See Metrics Collection for further details and configuration options, as well as the new options: onfiguration-options-enable-metrics, metrics-address, metrics-port, and metrics-dir.

Brocade NetIron Support

Initial support for Brocade NetIron has been added thanks to Johan van den Dorpe (@johanek), providing notifications for BGP_NEIGHBOR_STATE_CHANGED, when the BGP peer is UP, DOWN, IDLE, or ESTABLISHED (as defined in the openconfig-bgp YANG model). The platform is available as netiron.

Huawei VRP Support

Starting with this release, also Huawei VRP is supported under the huawei name, firing notifications for INTERFACE_UP and INTERFACE_DOWN. This has been added thanks to Antoine Meillet (@inetAnt). The platform is available as huawei.

As the list of supported platforms keeps growing, do consider using the device_blacklist and device_whitelist for fine tuning.

More configuration options

Antoine Meillet (@inetAnt) also added more options for the TCP and UDP, to enable or disable the SO_REUSEPORT on listener’s socket - see reuse_port: false and reuse_port: false, respectively.


Simon Bitterli (@bittsi) added timezone support for Cisco IOS.

Bug fixes

Due to a known issue, multiple platforms having the same HEADER, napalm-logs was unable to match them. Luke Overend fixed this, which would also permit us in the future to have both junos and UNIX message parsing concomitantly.

John Anderson (@lampwins) also fixed a core issue with the time extraction when the syslog message doesn’t provide it.

Known issues

When a message is not fully parsed and matched, but there are multiple platforms identified as it could belong to, when the send_raw: False Publisher option is enabled, the message will be published twice. This is currently being tracked under

New Structured Messages

  • USER_EXIT_CONFIG_MODE added by Simon Bitterli (@bittsi) providing the counterpart of the existing USER_ENTER_CONFIG_MODE. This message is particularly important on Cisco IOS platforms (but not limited to), after an user applied a configuration change into the running config, or bootstrapped via TFTP. This message is currently available for ios only.

The following messages were already defined, now extending the list of supported platforms: