Metrics Collection

Timeseries metrics may be optionally collected and exported from the server. This feature is disabled by default but can be enabled by passing –enable-metrics when envoking the server.

The metrics offer insight into how the server is processing messages. Each subsystem publishes its own set of metrics. These are timeseries data so they are mostly counters of processed elements.

We use the Prometheus metrics format and the metrics are exposed by an HTTP server which by default run on port tcp/9443. The implementation is fully compliant with Prometheus scraping, so you need only point your Prometheus server to the exposed metrics to scrape them.

When using the feature, you must make a directory available which will be used to collect and store local metrics from the various system processes. The server will need rights to write to this directory. By default /tmp/napalm_logs_metrics is used. This is configurable with –metrics-dir. Whatever the value, if the directory does not exist, we attempt to create it on startup. Also note than this directory is cleared of all previous metrics entries on each run. This means that metric values are not persisted through runs.

Here is a listing of the exposed metrics and their meaning:

Listener Process(es)

Count of ingested log messages. Labels are used to seperate metrics for each Listener process.
Count of published messages. These are messages published to the message queue for processing by the Server Process. Labels are used to seperate metrics for each Listener process.

Server Process

Count of messages received from Listener processes.
Count of messages with positive OS identification. Labels are used to seperate metrics for each Device OS.
Count of messages which fail OS identification.
Count of messages per device OS that fail to be queued to a proper Device process. Note these are messages that pass OS identification and we know how to route them but fail to be queued. Labels are used to seperate metrics for each Device OS.
Count of messages sucessfully queued to Device processes. Labels are used to seperate metrics for each Device OS process.
Count of messages which fail OS indentification and thus we don’t know how to route them, but the user has instructed the system to queue them “as-is.”

Device Process(es)

Count of messages received from the Server process. Labels are used to seperate metrics for each Device OS process.
Count of raw type published messages. In this case, the message did not match a configured message type but the user has instructed the system to publish the message in a raw format. Labels are used to seperate metrics for each Device OS process.
Count of published messages. These are messages which are sucessfully converted to an OpenConfig format. Labels are used to seperate metrics for each Device OS process.
Counter of failed OpenConfig object generations. These are messages for which the system attempts to map to a known OpenConfig object model but fails. Labels are used to seperate metrics for each Device OS process.

Publisher Process(es)

Count of messages received by the Publisher from Device Process(es). Labels are used to seperate metrics for each Publisher process.
Count of messages which fail the whitelist/blacklist check. Labels are used to seperate metrics for each Publisher process.
Count of published messages. These are messages which are published for clients to receive (i.e. output of the system). Labels are used to seperate metrics for each Publisher process.