Device Profiles

Most network equipment vendors use different syslog message format to each other, some even use a different format for each of their devices. For napalm-logs to be able to take a syslog message from a device and output it in a vendor-agnostic way, it needs to know the format of that device’s messages.

Each network operating system has a set of profiles, defined under a directory with the name of the platform, by default defined under napalm_logs/config. For example, the profiles for eos are defined under napalm_logs/config/eos/, for junos under napalm_logs/config/junos/ and so on.

Directory tree structure example:

├── eos
│   └── init.yml
├── iosxr
│   └──
├── junos
│   └── init.yml
└── nxos
    └── init.yml

The user can select to extend the capabilities of the public library, by defining profiles under a directory, specifying the path using the extension-config-path option.

Custom directory tree example:

├── eos
│   └──
├── junos
    └── init.yml

Each syslog message can be divided into two logical sections:

  • the identification section, which provides enough information to identify the operating system that generated the message, together with other details, such as datetime, hostname, PRI, process daemon, PID, etc. In napalm-logs, this section will be referenced as prefix.
  • the actual message section, which is the part of the syslog message which contains the useful information. In napalm-logs, this section will be referenced as message.

Example: given the message Mar 30 12:45:19 re0.edge01.bjm01 rpd[15852]: BGP_PREFIX_THRESH_EXCEEDED (External AS 15169): Configured maximum prefix-limit threshold(160) exceeded for inet-unicast nlri: 181 (instance master):

  • Mar 30 12:45:19 re0.edge01.bjm01 rpd[15852]: BGP_PREFIX_THRESH_EXCEEDED is the prefix section.
  • (External AS 15169): Configured maximum prefix-limit threshold(160) exceeded for inet-unicast nlri: 181 (instance master) is the message section.

Both sections are platform-specific, and the prefix part can be used to idenfiy the operating system that generated a certain syslog message. The identification is done via prefix matchers (prefix parsers). Similarly, the extraction of the information from the message section is done via message parsers.

Please note that some platforms do not respect a single prefix pattern, but a variety, this is why we need a couple of prefix matchers.

YAML Profiles

Each config file has two distinct sections, one to identify the OS that the message originated from (called prefixes), and one to identify each log message that napalm-logs should convert (called messages).


This section defines what we have defined above as prefix matches, or prefix parsers, for the OS in question.

Here is the config for junos:

  - time_format: "%b %d %H:%M:%S"
    date: (\w+\s+\d+)
    time: (\d\d:\d\d:\d\d)
    hostPrefix: (re\d.)?
    host: ([^ ]+)
    processName: /?(\w+)
    processId: \[?(\d+)?\]?
    tag: (\w+)
    line: '{date} {time} {hostPrefix}{host} {processName}{processId}: {tag}: '


Prefix parsers are usually defined as __init__.yml, init.yml or index.yml.

What does each option mean?


This represents the format of the part of the log message that present most of the time. Each section of the message that can change should be replaced by a variable. If a variable isn’t always present then you should add it to the line but make that variable optional (covered in the values section).

Any white space in line will match any number of contiguous white space, therefore if it is possible for there to be either one white space or two white spaces, you should only add one white space to line.


This is used to specify the regex pattern for each of the variables specified in line. All variables in line should have an entry under values, even if you have no use for them.

Each of these variables will be output in a message dict after processing.


Here is where all log messages that should be matched are specified.


Message parsers are usually defined under a YAML file having the name of the error ID they produce. However, this is not absolutely mandatory.

Here is an example message:

      snmpID: (\d+)
      adminStatusString|uppercase: (\w+)
      adminStatusValue: (\d)
      operStatusString|uppercase: (\w+)
      operStatusValue: (\d)
      interface: ([\w\-\/]+)
    line: 'ifIndex {snmpID}, ifAdminStatus {adminStatusString}({adminStatusValue}), ifOperStatus {operStatusString}({operStatusValue}), ifName {interface}'
    model: openconfig_interfaces
      interfaces//interface//{interface}//state//admin_status: adminStatusString
      interfaces//interface//{interface}//state//oper_status: operStatusString
      static: {}

What does each option mean?


This is the vendor agnostic ID for the error message, the error for each message should be unique. Currently we are using the junos definitions where possible, this is likely to change.


This is the unique ID from the device itself.

This field is used when identifying if the log message is related to the configured error. Some devices use the same name for different types of logs, therefore this does not need to be unique.

If you look at the config for prefix above, you will see the variable tag in line, this is the same tag as configured here and matched on.

match_on: tag

This field name the field that try to match on. Defaults to tag.


This is the same as line above.


This is the same as values above, other than the fact they can be used in mapping (this will be covered under mapping). You can manipulate these values using replace functions found in napalm_logs.utils.Replace i.e adminStatusString|uppercase.


This is the YANG model to use to output the log message. You can find all models and their structure here.


This shows where in the OpenConfig model each of the variables in the message should be placed. There are two options, variables and static. variables should be used when the value being set is taken from the message, and static should be used when the value is manually set.

Pure Python profiles

Writing YAML profiles is flexible and fast, but this model comes with many logical limitations. For this reason, the developer can equally write pure Python prefixes or messages parsers. They can be defined under the same directory as the YAML descriptors, and they will be loaded dynamically.


The user is allowed to use any combination of YAML and pure Python parsers to match the messages and defined the prefixes.

Similarly to the YAML profilers, the Python profiles have two logical sections: prefixes that provide the operating system identification and messages that extract the information from the raw syslog messages and maps to an object having the YANG hierarchy. Both are free-form Python modules, with a single constraint that will be explained below.


A pure Python module that provides the prefix configuration, in order to identify the operating system generating the message.

A module providing the prefix needs to define a function called extract that takes a single argument, msg which is the raw syslog message received from the network device. The function has to return a dictionary with the parts extracted from the syslog message, without any further processing. The following keys are mandatory:

  • host: the network device hostname, as provided in the syslog message

prefix section. - tag: which is the unique identification tag of the syslog message, e.g. in the message Mar 30 12:45:19 re0.edge01.bjm01 rpd[15852]: BGP_PREFIX_THRESH_EXCEEDED (External AS 15169): Configured maximum prefix-limit threshold(160) exceeded for inet-unicast nlri: 181 (instance master), the tag is BGP_PREFIX_THRESH_EXCEEDED. Other tag examples: bgp_read_message, ROUTING-BGP-5-MAXPFX or even Alarm set. - message: is the message that what we have defied earlier as the message section, e.g. User 'dummy' entering configuration mode.


Prefix parsers are usually defined as, or

The following example is a Python prefix parser for NX-OS:

import re
from collections import OrderedDict

import napalm_logs.utils

    ('pri', r'(\d+)'),
    ('host', r'([^ ]+)'),
    ('date', r'(\d+ \w+ +\d+)'),
    ('time', r'(\d\d:\d\d:\d\d)'),
    ('timeZone', r'(\w\w\w)'),
    ('tag', r'([\w\d-]+)'),
    ('message', r'(.*)')
_RGX_PARTS = OrderedDict(_RGX_PARTS)

_RGX = '\<{0[pri]}\>{0[host]}: {0[date]} {0[time]} {0[timeZone]}: %{0[tag]}: {0[message]}'.format(_RGX_PARTS)

def extract(msg):
    return napalm_logs.utils.extract(_RGX, msg, _RGX_PARTS)

The example above matches messages from NX-OS looking like: <190>sw01.bjm01: 2017 Jul 26 14:42:46 UTC: %SOME-TAG: this is a very useful syslog message, and extracts the following details:

  • pri: 190
  • host: sw01.bjm01
  • tag: SOME-TAG
  • date: 2017 Jul 26
  • time: 14:42:46
  • timeZone: UTC
  • message: this is a very useful syslog message

These details are returned by the extract function, which returns a dictionary such as:

  'pri': '190',
  'host': 'sw01.bjm01',
  'tag': 'SOME-TAG',
  'time': '14:42:46',
  'date': '2017 Jul 26',
  'timeZone': 'UTC',
  'message': 'this is a very useful syslog message'

Except tag, host and message, all the other fields can be optional, and they are platform-specific (or even message-type-specific, in some very sad cases). However, there are some particular cases when the other fields can provide interesting information, eventually to be used to match messages using the match_on option.


Writing a message parser can be equally simple and flexible, the rules to consider being:

  • Define a function called emit that generates the syslog message.
  • A dunder called __yang_model__ that specifies the YANG model.
  • A variable names __tag__ that specifies the tag name, that is used to match when comparing the value of the tag field extracted from the message prefix and determine what parser should process the syslog message. However, this variable is optional – when not defined, it will use the filename as tag.
  • A variable called __error__ that defines the name of the global error. Each structured message published by napalm-logs has a certain error tag, that is unique and cross-platform. This variable is also optional – when not defined, the error ID will be the file name.


Message parsers are usually defined under a Python file having the name of the error ID they produce. However, this is not absolutely mandatory.

Useful function

At times, the developer may find very useful several function, in order to acomplish recurrent tasks:

  • napalm_logs.utils.extract: Extracts the fields from a unstructured text, given a field-regex mapping. Please check the previous paragraph for an usage example.
  • napalm_logs.utils.setval: Set a value under the dictionary hierarchy identified under the key. The key 'foo//bar//baz' will configure the value under the dictionary hierarchy {'foo': {'bar': {'baz': {}}}}. Example:
>>> napalm_logs.utils.setval('foo//bar//baz', 'value')
{'foo': {'bar': {'baz': 'value'}}}
  • napalm_logs.utils.traverse: Traverse a dict or list using a slash delimiter target string. The target 'foo//bar//0' will return data['foo']['bar'][0] if this value exists, otherwise will return empty dict. Return None when not found. This can be used to verify if a certain key exists under dictionary hierarchy.