
The logger subsystem uses the modules from the publisher pluggable subsystem to send partially parsed syslog messages. The configuration options are the same as for the publisher referenced – see the Available publishers and their options. It can be used together with the publisher system in such a way the publisher externalizes the fully processed objects and the clients can subscribe and collect them, while the logger submits the partially parsed messages. This is ideal for logging these unprocessed messages, hence the logger name.

This subsystem is by default disabled and it cannot be configured from the command line, but only from the configuration file. Besides the publisher name to be specified, it also requires to configure at least one set one of the options below:


If this option is set, all processed syslog messages, even ones that have not matched a configured error, will be output via the specified transport. This can be used to forward to log server for storage.


    send_raw: true


If this option is set, all processed syslog messages, even ones that have not matched a certain operating system, will be output via the specified transport. This can be used to forward to log server for storage.


    send_unknown: true